RS kalterer see mit st josef am see
RS kalterer see mit st josef am see

San Giuseppe al Lago

San Giuseppe al Lago - offers

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41 Offers (shown 37 - 41)

  1. Hotel Hasslhof: Hiking, experiencing, discovering

    Hiking, experiencing, discovering

    Hotel Hasslhof
    Living in the vineyards on Lake Caldaro | Caldaro - San Giuseppe al Lago

    Immerse yourself in nature, enjoy the landscape step by step, and leave everyday life behind.Experience the most beautiful hiking trails around Lake Caldaro, the Mendelkamm, and the surrounding area.

    from  19/10/25  to  26/10/25

    7 nights from 1.200 € per person

  2. St. Josefhof: Autumn time at Lake Kaltern

    Autumn time at Lake Kaltern

    Enjoy the wonderful colours of autumn on a relaxing hike in the orchards and forests around Lake Kaltern.

    from  20/10/25  to  17/11/25

    7 nights from 365 € per person

  3. Lake Spa Hotel Seeleiten: Body | Mind | Soul

    Body | Mind | Soul

    To get completely back into balance once more, it’s best to address body, mind and soul with the same degree of mindfulness.At the SEELEITEN, this balance is easy to find!

    from  02/11/25  to  09/11/25

    1 night from 217 € per person

  4. Lake Spa Hotel Seeleiten: Xmas Special

    Xmas Special

    Celebrate Christmas on your winter holiday in South Tyrol! We have a lot planned for24th and 25th December. We want to celebrate and sit together. Tell stories and sing songs. ...

    from  21/12/25  to  28/12/25

    4 nights from 904 € per person

  5. Lake Spa Hotel Seeleiten: New Year's Special

    New Year's Special

    New Year's Eve in Caldaro - You won’t soon forget your winter holiday in South Tyrol.We celebrate the last day of the year in style. Lots of laughter, fun and of course a ...

    from  28/12/25  to  06/01/26

    7 nights from 1.873 € per person