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Adobe Stock nordic walking wander stoecke person

Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking, the popular trend sport, can also be practised in the Castelvecchio Forest near Caldaro

Nordic Walking, a total body version of walking, was initially developed as a summer training method for cross-country skiers and biathlon athletes and has gained a worldwide popularity. What you need: Nordic Walking poles, some fitness and coordination, and preferably the beautiful nature of Lake Caldaro. The sport is most beautiful and most effective in slightly hilly terrain.

It's easy to learn: the use of the Nordic Walking poles, which provide stability, helps to reduce stress in the back, knees and other joints. The coordination of the arm and pole movement is favourable for neck and shoulders. However, if you'd like to do the first try with professional help, you can attend a Nordic Walking lesson, where you can also learn several training methods, walking by doing little or big steps and jumping.

The Castelvecchio Forest near Caldaro, a wonderful environment for extended hikes and MTB tours, is very suitable for Nordic Walking. Also flat hiking paths - such as the 6 km long Termeno Nature Experience Trail leading from Termeno village to the shores of Lake Caldaro - are ideal courses. Nordic Walking poles can often be rented at hotels and accommodations.

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