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RS Adobe Stock kino sessel

Theatre in Termeno

The “Heimatbühne Tramin” theatre company presents its interesting plays in the parish hall and in the historical residences of the village

The “Heimatbühne Tramin” has a rather large repertoire in German language or South Tyrolean dialect which includes murder mystery games and comedies as well as droll stories and tales. Also plays for children such as “Der Vanille Drachen” (The Vanilla Dragon) by Elvira Lauscher for kids from 4 years of age, performed in 2017, are part of the programme.

The “Heimatbühne Tramin” presents itself also at special events such as the Long Wednesday in Termeno. During Christmas time, however, the theatre group performs Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn at one of the historical buildings, e.g. the Rynnhof Residence, including a closing drink. A very special Christmas experience in a cold December night in the south of South Tyrol!

Further theatre adventures await you in Bolzano, about 25 km away from Termeno. At the Piazza Verdi square there’s the Bolzano Municipal Theatre, which hosts theatre plays of the “Vereinigten Bühnen Bozen” as well as festivals such as “Bolzano Dance”. Near the arcades, however, the Carambolage Variety Theatre invites to improvisational theatre and cabaret.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Rebenheim
    Guest house


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