RS Kalterer See Segeln
RS Kalterer See Segeln

Climate and weather at Lake Caldaro

Here you can find the current weather forecast as well as further information about weather and climate in the area of Lake Caldaro

The south of South Tyrol is well known for its mild climate - spring arrives quite early in Caldaro and Termeno. The Mediterranean influence, in this wonderful landscape characterised by vineyards, palm trees, cypresses and olive trees, can be seen already at the end of February in the Spring Valley with its sea of blooming snowdrops. Usually in the first half of April, also the apple trees start to blossom.

An average of 1,800 hours of sunshine a year ensure a good mood. In summer it can get pretty hot, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees C and more. Also autumn shows itself from its most beautiful side, above all in October and November when the vineyards turn golden. Usually the winters are mild and snowfall is rare here in the south of South Tyrol.

Below you find a list with the average daily minimum and maximum temperatures - and here you find the current weather forecast:

  • January: from -4 degrees to 7 degrees C
  • February: from -1 degrees to 10 degrees C
  • March: from 3 degrees to 16 degrees C
  • April: from 7 degrees to 19 degrees C
  • May: from 11 degrees to 24 degrees C
  • June: from 15 degrees to 28 degrees C
  • July: from 16 degrees to 30 degrees C
  • August: from 16 degrees to 29 degrees C
  • September: from 12 degrees to 24 degrees C
  • October: from 7 degrees to 18 degrees C
  • November: from 1 degrees to 11 degrees C
  • December: from -3 degrees to 7 degrees C

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